Friday, September 12, 2008

Is VMware ESX 4.0 coming out soon?

VMworld in Las Vegas is starting on 15. september. There has been a lot of talk about the new version of ESX 4.0. The product is currently in private beta.

Lets take a look at some new cool features:

  • 64bit kernel and console operating system (COS)
  • clustered VirtualCenter Servers
  • ESX hosts profile management
  • cross-hosts virtual networking
  • 8-way virtual SMP
  • virtual machines fault tolerance across multiple hosts (the famous Continuous Availability presented last year)
  • VMs and media library
  • alarms on physical hardware faults
  • access control on storage resources
  • configuration change tracking
  • full support for SATA local storage

It has been said that this is just a small list of new features. More to come later. 

More details :


Jure Dobelšek said...

No super, ampak za veliko teh izboljsav ne vem, kaj sploh pomenijo. Mislim za nas, bolj povprecne uporabnike. Lahk mal bol po domace razlozis mogoce?

Kdaj se bo v virtualnem okolju dalo poganjat 3d igre, tako, da bi recimo virtualni xp-ji uporabljali hardversko grafiko...Sem probal preko vmware fusion-a poganjat spore, pa ni blo uspeha.

MihaZ said...

Mogoče bi preko probal namestit novo verzijo Fusion-a. Videl sem že poganjat Max payne in pa CAD programe, kot je npr. Autocad ali Archicad.